
Manet mobile solutions






Ux research, Colour, Brand development, Digital design

Manet is an Italian company that has developed a solution aimed at tour operators from all over the world (hotels, car rentals, B&B).
With the mobile application, the user can easily manage his sightseeing, book tickets for museums, reserve a table for a restaurant or simply find out what’s happening around him. On the other hand it creates a constant link between the concierge and the tourist.

Research Manet

Interviews to different users, exploring the current use of real clients and exploring possibilities are some of the research made to develop the new user experience.

UX Manet
UX design

Change completely the workflow and make the navigation easier for the users are the improvements decided after a carefull research.

UI Manet
UI design

Change the look and feel  to make the navigation usable compared to the current version and create a connection with the brand identity of the brand. 

Flusso utente

The user research highlighted the need to reconstruct the user flow by taking into consideration the various services offered by the brand, creating a visual order to help navigation within the app.

User-flow-2 Manet


The wireframes gave us the opportunity to explore the data obtained during the research phase and to start testing a UI layout of all the components of each individual page.


An iconolio has been developed to fully describe the various features of the product and allow greater recognition of the various sections by the user.

Iconfolio Manet
3-screens Manet
Dribble-animation Manet